Santa Teresa
Santa Tresa Grillo Sparkling Wine
A Sparkling and aromatic wine made solely from the Italian grape variety Grillo, a must try!
£14.99 -
Proverbio Prosecco DOC Extra Dry
Proverbio is a delightful Prosecco with fine bubbles and a classic aroma
£12.99 -
Calaluna Fiano IGP Puglia
Tropical fruits are balanced with high acidity and an everlasting finish in this Fiano
£14.99 -
Cortese Nostru Nero d'Avola Sicilia DOC
Black fruits burst out of this Nero d'Avola, a juicy and easy drinking red wine
£15.99 -
Paolo Leo Passo del Cardinale Primitivo di Manduria DOP
Beautifully rich Primitivo with hints of coffee and liquorice, balanced with dark black fruits
£15.99 -
Negramante Negroamaro Puglia IGP
Pronounced flavours of red fruits with hints of spices, a full bodied and high tannin wine
£14.99 -
Paololeo Pianerosse Negroamaro Puglia IGP
A rich, deep, full bodied Negroamaro from the warm climate of Puglia.
£11.99 -
Alture Susumaniello Valle D'Itria
Susamaniello is a bold, juicy and spicy red wine from Puglia, Italy.
£16.99 -
Miopasso Nero D'Avola Sicilia DOC
Deep and rich, Nero D'Avola from Sicily, offering layers of dark berry fruit and sweet spice
£12.99 -
Cantine Paololeo
Paolo Leo Pianerosse Primitivo Puglia IGP
Bright and fragrant Primitivo, from Southern Italy, showing deep and complex berry flavours
£13.99 -
Canapi Nero d'Avola Sicilia DOC
A delicious and smooth Sicilian Nero d'Avola, full of intense ripe red berries & plum flavours
£9.99 -
Miopasso Primitivo Puglia IGP
Rich in fruit, Miopasso Primitivo, from Itatly has an abundance of ripe, dark berry flavours
Dive into the rich tapestry of Italian wines, where each region presents a unique blend of culture and tradition. Marvel at the romance of a Tuscan Chianti, the crisp freshness of a Veneto pinot grigio, or the aromatic complexity of a Piedmont barolo. Italy's wine narrative unfolds in every bottle, from the sun-kissed southern vineyards to the Alpine wineries of the north. Make your journey through the Italian wine landscape even more rewarding by spending or collecting Avios.